Keep On Movin’

Keep On Movin’

If I had to sum up what life is all about in one word (thankfully I don’t!), I’d choose movement.  Think about it:  if we’re not moving, we’re dead.  Even if we hold very still, we’re moving. We’re breathing.  Even when we hold our breath, we’re moving.  Our hearts are beating.  And if your mind…

Just Add Life

Just Add Life

“Don’t just add physical activity to your life, add life to your physical activity.”  —Michelle May I love this quotation because it gets to the heart of wholehearted living.  If you’re going to do something—anything—do it with zest, with verve, with vitality.  Why slog through things—especially exercise?  Make it fun!  Make it something that puts…

Time to Twirl

Time to Twirl

I’m going to start by aging myself.  Do you remember the playground game “Mother, May I?”   Here’s a quick refresher: a group of kids would line up at one end of their chosen space and the “Mother” would stand at the other end.  One at a time, players would be given the chance to…